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CTA and Sector

"I now understand tourism’s impact."

Testimonials from CTAs

“Being a CTA makes you feel part of the tourism family.”

“I’ve grown both personally and professionally.”

“CTA inspires a healthy perspective. The visitor's experience belongs to them, even if it is here in "our" place, and it is my pleasure to serve them and help them enjoy their visit to the fullest.”

“Being a CTA is recognized and appreciated by the many visitors that I interact with from here and around the world.”

“I now understand tourism’s impact.”
“Being connected to a community which cares about the direction of our area’s future.”

“Being a CTA has provided more networking opportunities for me personally.”

“Being a CTA has made my job more fulfilling, because with the knowledge I've gained I am able to serve customers with more confidence.”

“Being a CTA gives me another way to serve my community.”

“Colleagues and friends get a 'kick' out of calling me an ambassador.”

Testimonials by Sector

CTA...positively impacting the entire community.
Aligning traditional and non-traditional stakeholders.